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SPIROL的重型抗疲劳卷制弹性圆柱销直径从1.5毫米(0.062英寸)到20毫米(0.750英寸)不等。标准材料包括高碳钢、302/304含镍(奥氏体)不锈钢和420含铬(马氏体)不锈钢。直径大于12毫米(0.500英寸)的采用6150合金钢制造。 SPIROL于1948年发明了卷制弹性圆柱销。卷制圆柱销有轻型、标准型和重型可供选择,用以匹配每种应用所需的强度和弹性。相对于施加的载荷,如果销强度过高,可能会缺乏弹性,最终导致孔受损坏;而如果销弹性过高,则可能导致组件出现提前疲劳。卷制圆柱销能够实现强度、弹性和直径之间的理想平衡,进而延长组件的使用寿命。




DIN EN 16983碟形弹簧 碟形弹簧是一种承担轴向载荷的锥形精密组件。碟形弹簧经常被错误地称为贝氏碟形弹簧、贝氏弹簧、贝氏垫圈或锥形垫圈。SPIROL可提供全系列的DIN EN 16983(原DIN 2093)A系列、B系列和C系列1型和2型碟形弹簧。除DIN指定尺寸外,SPIROL还可提供外径从8毫米到200毫米的标准尺寸碟形弹簧。SPIROL标准碟形弹簧是根据DIN EN 16984(原DIN 2092)的标准化计算设计的,符合DIN EN 16983(原DIN 2093)中规定的所有材料、尺寸公差和质量规格。此外,还对DIN标准中没有的直径和厚度组合进行了扩展。标准材料包括碳钢和合金钢,都涂有磷酸锌和油的保护涂层。 除单个碟形弹簧外,SPIROL还可提供预先组合碟形弹簧,采用带有孔标签的收缩膜包装的自定义配置,便于组装。




结构 650 系列是应用于高温灭菌的两位两通活塞式气动隔膜阀。 金属执行器的所有部件都采用不锈钢材料。可提供常闭,常开及双作用的控制方式。阀门配有两种执行器类型可选:D型的安装螺栓隐藏在执行机构内部,仅运用于两位两通阀体;T型执行机构可配T型阀,多通道阀,罐底阀及两位两通阀的阀体。标配有目测位置指示器。 优势 ● 介质与执行机构完全分离 ● 流向可选 ● 安装位置可选 ● D型执行器采用内螺纹与两位两通阀体连接 ● 气源接口为管接式(可选:90度) ● 弹簧腔内的多余气体通过阀门附件可安全排放 ● 可选各种附件,容易改进




描述 技术参数 阀类: 金属隔膜阀 阀体材质: 316L,1.4408,1.4435 工作压力: 0-10 bar 最高工作温度℃: 150 ° C 通径范围DN : 10-100




阀类: 金属隔膜阀 阀体材质: 1.4435 工作压力: 0-10 bar 最高工作温度℃: 150 ° C 通径范围DN : 4-15







阀类: 金属隔膜阀 阀体材质: 1.4408,1.4435 工作压力: 0-5 bar 最高工作温度℃: 150 ° C 通径范围DN : 4-25




切割泵 切割泵系列 SXC 能够处理低合金钢,加工钢和铸铁/铝混合物。屑可以是块屑或团屑。屑必须传送到泵的吸入口。搅拌器可以拾起屑,并打碎。如有需要,由泵切碎并抽送。 SXC系列泵配备了方便用户的45度法兰,接口允许水平及垂直管路,带压力表接口G 1/4。 更多信息,请参考技术信息的提升泵特征SXC/SPC部分。 叶轮: 轴向 / 半开式叶轮是此系列泵的特点。 液体: 冷却液, 乳化液, 油 (根据需求) 流量: 最大 1000 l/min 扬程: 最高 20 m BRINKMANN PUMPS 有着60年的经验,提供高技术的各种系列冷却泵,应用在不同行业。主要应用在机床行业。其他应用如印刷行业,塑料行业和饮料行业。 作为一个独立的家族企业,员工大约300名,BRINKMANN PUMPS 关注客户和用户的需求。我们的优势是反应快,尤其是在产品开发上,满足所有性能,效率和寿命上的需求。样机非常迅速和经济,我们使用最新的生产技术,批量生产。 我们的总部在德国,全球各地有经销商,在美国和日本有分公司,技术和想法来自于 BRINKMANN PUMPS 销售给全世界。




这款紧凑式热交换器是我们产品系列中的新成员,它由高合金不锈钢制成,能够承受高达 550°C 的温度。 产品采用紧凑型模块化设计,用途极其广泛,并且方便维修。这款废气热交换器可以从废气中回收热量,例如,联合热电厂中的内燃机产生的废气。 热交换器会将废气中的热量传递给液体(水或乙二醇水溶液)。液体加热后,可将其用于中央供暖系统;预热熔炉和涡轮机燃烧室中的空气;干燥煤炭、纸浆、木材和其他材料,以及用于朗肯循环发电。



[Product Description] H-PRO series can be used in a wide range from general steel to high-hardness steel, and it is designed for high-hardness and high-speed milling. It is suitable for cutting carbon steel, alloy steel series, molds and mold parts, and is useful for ultra-precision machining by applying high-precision tolerances. [Product Specification] Flat end mill : D0.05 ~ D25 + Various effective length / total length Ball end mill : D0.1 ~ D20 + (same as above) C/R end mill : D0.2 ~ D20 + (same as above) Inner C/R end mill : D0.5 ~ D5.9 + (same as above) High speed milling end mill : D0.8 ~ D12 + (same as above) [Product Model] Flat : 2HRE, 2HPE, 2HLE, 4HRE, 4HPE, 4HLE, 4HHE, 6HPE Ball : 2HRB, 2HSB, 2HPB, 3HPB, 4HPB, C/R : 2HRR, 2HCR, 4HRR, 4HCR, 4HIT Inner C/R : 2IRC, 4IRC [Product Use] H pro series is suitable for High hardened steels (HRC 45~55) and pre-hardened steel. Strong wear-resistance and minimizing chipping by adapting H-pro coating.



[Product Description] H-PRO series can be used in a wide range from general steel to high-hardness steel, and it is designed for high-hardness and high-speed milling. It is suitable for cutting carbon steel, alloy steel series, molds and mold parts, and is useful for ultra-precision machining by applying high-precision tolerances. [Product Specification] Flat end mill : D0.05 ~ D25 + Various effective length / total length Ball end mill : D0.1 ~ D20 + (same as above) C/R end mill : D0.2 ~ D20 + (same as above) Inner C/R end mill : D0.5 ~ D5.9 + (same as above) High speed milling end mill : D0.8 ~ D12 + (same as above) [Product Model] Flat : 2HRE, 2HPE, 2HLE, 4HRE, 4HPE, 4HLE, 4HHE, 6HPE Ball : 2HRB, 2HSB, 2HPB, 3HPB, 4HPB, C/R : 2HRR, 2HCR, 4HRR, 4HCR, 4HIT Inner C/R : 2IRC, 4IRC [Product Use] H pro series is suitable for High hardened steels (HRC 45~55) and pre-hardened steel. Strong wear-resistance and minimizing chipping by adapting H-pro coating.



[Product Description] H-PRO series can be used in a wide range from general steel to high-hardness steel, and it is designed for high-hardness and high-speed milling. It is suitable for cutting carbon steel, alloy steel series, molds and mold parts, and is useful for ultra-precision machining by applying high-precision tolerances. [Product Specification] Flat end mill : D0.05 ~ D25 + Various effective length / total length Ball end mill : D0.1 ~ D20 + (same as above) C/R end mill : D0.2 ~ D20 + (same as above) Inner C/R end mill : D0.5 ~ D5.9 + (same as above) High speed milling end mill : D0.8 ~ D12 + (same as above) [Product Model] Flat : 2HRE, 2HPE, 2HLE, 4HRE, 4HPE, 4HLE, 4HHE, 6HPE Ball : 2HRB, 2HSB, 2HPB, 3HPB, 4HPB, C/R : 2HRR, 2HCR, 4HRR, 4HCR, 4HIT Inner C/R : 2IRC, 4IRC [Product Use] H pro series is suitable for High hardened steels (HRC 45~55) and pre-hardened steel. Strong wear-resistance and minimizing chipping by adapting H-pro coating.



[Product Description] S-PRO series is mainly used for cutting difficult-to-cut materials such as stainless, titanium, nickel and hastelloy in the aerospace field. A deep chip evacuation space of the S-PRO helps to cut difficult-to-cut materials, which facilitates chip evacuation and provides excellent surface finish. [Product Specification] Flat end mill : D1 ~ D20 Ball end mill : D3 ~ D20 C/R end mill : D1 ~ D20 [Product Model] Flat : 4SUE, 4SUEA Ball : 4SUB C/R : 4SUR, 4SURA [Product Use] * The cutting edge type of S pro series is unequal flute and it is suitable for cutting difficult to cut materials like alloly steels, stainless steels, Titianium, Inconel etc. * 4SURA, 4SUEA are specialized to cut Inconel. * Strong wear-resistance by adapting S-pro coating.



[Product Description] S-PRO series is mainly used for cutting difficult-to-cut materials such as stainless, titanium, nickel and hastelloy in the aerospace field. A deep chip evacuation space of the S-PRO helps to cut difficult-to-cut materials, which facilitates chip evacuation and provides excellent surface finish. [Product Specification] Flat end mill : D1 ~ D20 Ball end mill : D3 ~ D20 C/R end mill : D1 ~ D20 [Product Model] Flat : 4SUE, 4SUEA Ball : 4SUB C/R : 4SUR, 4SURA [Product Use] * The cutting edge type of S pro series is unequal flute and it is suitable for cutting difficult to cut materials like alloly steels, stainless steels, Titianium, Inconel etc. * 4SURA, 4SUEA are specialized to cut Inconel. * Strong wear-resistance by adapting S-pro coating.



[Product Description] X-PRO series is for milling carbon steel, low alloy steel and cast iron. It is optimized for roughing by applying a new shape cutting edge for reducing cutting force and improving wear resistance. [Product Specification] Flat end mill : D3 ~ D16 (2Flute, 4Flute) Roughing end mill : D3 ~ D16 (3Flute, 4Flute) [Product Model] Flat : 2XPE, 4XPE, 4XREV, 4XPEV Roughing : 3XOE, 4XOE [Product Use] * X pro series is suitable for Roughing by chip breaker and to cut HRC below 50. * Strong wear-resistance by adapting X-pro coating. * Special design of cutting edge minimizes fracturing. * Excellent work surface by deep ship pocket.
