
床 - 進出口



传统的转塔冲床工具设计利用螺旋弹簧(冲模弹簧)来驱动冲模的脱模机构。此时,弹簧会自动缩回冲头,而不是使用冲压件推动冲头穿过金属板然后将其拔出。这使得冲压件在一个方向上工作即可。最终,磨损减少了,冲床的使用寿命亦得以延长。 自螺旋弹簧在转塔工具中得到发展以来,工程师们面临着进一步提高转塔冲床生产率的挑战。在传统冲床中,材料类型和材料厚度的选择受到螺旋弹簧不能在短的直线距离内产生较大力的限制。当需要螺旋弹簧具备这种性能但其又无法满足时,螺旋弹簧便会对成形产品的质量和制造过程的效率产生负面影响。 SPIROL®碟形弹簧是制作较厚材料、大型挤压件和更复杂设计的解决方案。当对合叠合时(图1),它们能够提供比螺旋弹簧更大、更恒定的剥离力,并且需要更少的空间。现在,碟形弹簧已经成为转塔冲床工具发展的重要组成部分。




福乐伟 AC1700 碟片离心机 - 福乐伟产品家族的最新成员 碟片离心机用于将最细小固体颗粒与液体分离。 从饮料生产到植物油生产,福乐伟碟片离心机的应用非常广泛。 根据应用场合和工厂规模,我们的碟片离心机需要满足各种不同的要求。 为了能够为客户提供更多选择和最佳解决方案,我们扩大了碟片离心机产品阵容,新增了一种设备规格:福乐伟 AC1700 碟片离心机。 福乐伟 AC1700 碟片离心机介于我们广受欢迎的 AC1500 和 AC2000 系列之间,完善了我们在食品饮料行业的产品阵容。 这种紧凑型碟片离心机的澄清面积超过 70,000 m² / 753,474 ft²,加速度高达 11,000 g,可确保最终产品得到最优澄清,而且处理量极高。 除了具有很大的澄清面积,AC1700 碟片离心机以及福乐伟其他 AC 系列碟片离心机均在德国设计和制造,并因此具有两个重要特点:非常坚固耐用且维护需求极低;即使在极高加速度下运行也能保持安静。




环保和回收越来越受到企业的重视。因此研发新型和创新型解决方案变得非常必要。这给了福乐伟一个侧重点,研发用于处理塑料的 Sorticanter®。 使用 Sorticanter® 回收塑料的优点: ► 封闭系统的气味影响小。 ► 不会影响待分类固体的颜色。 ► 热能耗较低,因为除湿阶段已集成在 Sorticanter® 中。 ► 最低的人力成本和由此节省的使用单位成本。 ► 分离不适合进行静态分离的材料混合物(纤维)。由此无需机械干燥器(筛网沉降离心机)。 ► 能够加工小于 1 mm 的颗粒,不受气泡和其他干扰因素的影响。 ► 体积较小的循环系统可降低淡水消耗并减少废水量,因为污物大部分沉降在 Sorticanter® 中。 Sorticanter® 具备高性能,以出色的质量和耐用性让人印象深刻。您将获得更佳的产品品质,从而获得更高的最终产品价值。采用 Sorticanter®,每小时可加工 1000 或 2500 kg 的固体(根据原料特性)。




SpeedMarker 700 CO₂ 激光打标机适用于对各种材料进行打标。 — 加工区域:255 x 536 毫米 — 激光功率:60、120 W SpeedMarker 产品优势: — 模块化产品组合: 配置选项可满足特定要求。 — 智能打标软件:从简单的打标任务到全自动程序序列的创建。 — 精密光纤激光器:使用寿命长的精密打标激光器。 — 高质量的机器结构:在最困难的条件下也能保证可靠性。 — 易于系统集成:SpeedMarker 配备多个 24V 输入和输出端,最多可扩展四个额外的轴,可轻松集成到现有系统中。




SpeedMarker 700RT 激光打标机适用于多种材料的打标。它可配备光纤或 MOPA 激光源。 — 加工区域:310 x 310 毫米 — 光纤激光功率:20、30、50 W — MOPA 激光功率 20 W SpeedMarker 产品优势: — 模块化产品组合: 可根据具体要求进行配置。 — 智能打标软件:从简单的打标任务到全自动程序序列的创建。 — 精密光纤激光器:使用寿命长的精密打标激光器。 — 高质量的机器结构:在最困难的条件下也能保证可靠性。 — 易于系统集成:SpeedMarker 配备多个 24V 输入和输出端,最多可扩展四个额外的轴,可轻松集成到现有系统中。




SpeedMarker 1600 激光打标机适用于多种材料的打标。它可配备光纤或 MOPA 激光源。 — 加工区域:1300 x 450 毫米 — 光纤激光功率:20、30、50 W — MOPA 激光功率 20, 100 W SpeedMarker 产品优势: — 模块化产品组合: 可根据具体要求进行配置。 — 智能打标软件:从简单的打标任务到全自动程序序列的创建。 — 精密光纤激光器:使用寿命长的精密打标激光器。 — 高质量的机器结构:在最困难的条件下也能保证可靠性。 — 易于系统集成:SpeedMarker 配备多个 24V 输入和输出端,最多可扩展四个额外的轴,可轻松集成到现有系统中。




SpeedMarker 700 光纤打标激光器适用于多种材料的打标。它可配备光纤或 MOPA 激光源。 — 加工区域:580 x 495 毫米 — 光纤激光功率:20、30、50 W — MOPA 激光功率 20, 100 W SpeedMarker 产品优势: — 模块化产品组合: 可根据具体要求进行配置。 — 智能打标软件:从简单的打标任务到全自动程序序列的创建。 — 精密光纤激光器:使用寿命长的精密打标激光器。 — 高质量的机器结构:在最困难的条件下也能保证可靠性。 — 易于系统集成:SpeedMarker 配备多个 24V 输入和输出端,最多可扩展四个额外的轴,可轻松集成到现有系统中。




SpeedMarker 300 激光打标机适用于多种材料的打标。它可配备光纤或 MOPA 激光源。 — 加工区域:190 x 190 毫米 — 光纤激光功率:20、30、50 W — MOPA 激光功率 20, 100 W SpeedMarker 产品优势: — 模块化产品组合: 可根据具体要求进行配置。 — 智能打标软件:从简单的打标任务到全自动程序序列的创建。 — 精密光纤激光器:使用寿命长的精密打标激光器。 — 高质量的机器结构:在最困难的条件下也能保证可靠性。 — 易于系统集成:SpeedMarker 配备多个 24V 输入和输出端,最多可扩展四个额外的轴,可轻松集成到现有系统中。




SpeedMarker 1350 激光打标机适用于多种材料的打标。它可配备光纤或 MOPA 激光源。 — 加工区域:1000 x 500 毫米 — 光纤激光功率:20、30、50 W — MOPA 激光功率 20, 100 W SpeedMarker 产品优势: — 模块化产品组合: 可根据具体要求进行配置。 — 智能打标软件:从简单的打标任务到全自动程序序列的创建。 — 精密光纤激光器:使用寿命长的精密打标激光器。 — 高质量的机器结构:在最困难的条件下也能保证可靠性。 — 易于系统集成:SpeedMarker 配备多个 24V 输入和输出端,最多可扩展四个额外的轴,可轻松集成到现有系统中。




SpeedMarker 1300 激光打标机适用于多种材料的打标。它可配备光纤或 MOPA 激光源。 — 加工区域:1000 x 450 毫米 — 光纤激光功率:20、30、50 W — MOPA 激光功率 20, 100 W SpeedMarker 产品优势: — 模块化产品组合: 可根据具体要求进行配置。 — 智能打标软件:从简单的打标任务到全自动程序序列的创建。 — 精密光纤激光器:使用寿命长的精密打标激光器。 — 高质量的机器结构:在最困难的条件下也能保证可靠性。 — 易于系统集成:SpeedMarker 配备多个 24V 输入和输出端,最多可扩展四个额外的轴,可轻松集成到现有系统中。




增压泵 TH和FH系列使用封闭式叶轮,为了最小化能源消耗和最优化液压效率。 另外,TH系列泵在较短的沉浸深度下,提供较高的压力。 直连泵系列FH可作为增压泵使用,如果在入水口提供正压。此正压可通过中央供液系统或进给泵提供。在此配置中,FH系列泵可将入口压力提高至26 bar。 可选配 变频器针对特殊 应用或实现泵的特殊工作点。 请参考本目录的技术信息部分"控制/调节"以获取更多信息。 叶轮: 封闭式 液体: 冷却液, 乳化液, 油 流量: 最大 640 l/min 扬程: 最高 520 m 应用实例 — 刀具外冷或中央出水应用 — 增压系统 — 机床的增压系统(在集中冷却系统内)



将不同的工艺步骤组合在一台机器上,为您提供了巨大的合理化潜力:生产时间最小化,完全消除了一些子工序,降低了生产成本。YSTRAL Conti-TDS是基于YSTRAL直排式分散器的原理。 吸入的粉末在高剪切力作用下立即分散。由于无尘、无损耗的粉体摄入量--即使是难湿、难粘、难扬尘的粉体,也是清洁的制造工艺。 直接从料仓(通过缓冲料斗)、大袋、漏斗、麻袋、筒子等吸粉和分散。优化后的结果是更好的解体、更高的原料效率和更高的产品质量。



本公司生产的设备可用于生产阿尔本和油漆、密封和绝缘化合物、涂料、巧克力化合物、乳制品、个人护理品等多种产品。在独立建造的加工设备的帮助下,您的效率和生产过程的有效性可以得到显著提高。 我们的客户在全球范围内使用定制的加工设备。 可在不同地点灵活使用的集装箱系统,以及我们的撬装单元,这是完全框架式安装的自动化生产单元。配方控制、可视化、称重、测量和控制技术、容器和管道、CIP系统--所有的设备都是在我们的工厂里完全组装好的。在生产条件下测试运行后,它们被你接受。我们的技术人员会在现场为您提供安装、调试和服务。



35年来,海德汉公司的TNC系列数控系统已广泛应用于铣、钻、镗和加工中心。这期间,虽然数控系统在不断发展,但基本 操作技术没有变化。下面这些基本原则同样适用于TNC 640,这款铣削和铣车复合加工的海德汉数控系统:面向车间编程和图形支持功能,大量历经验证的成熟可靠循环指令,以及与海德汉其它型号数控系统相似的操作方法。 面向车间编程 操作人员可以用简易对话格式语言—海德汉面向车间应用的编程语言—在TNC 640上编写常规铣削,钻孔和车削加工程序。 TNC 640实用的提示信息、提问和图形帮助为操作人员提供最佳支持,包括对车削加工的支持。由于它提供大量实用加工循环或坐标变换功能,因此无论是标准操作还是复杂应用都能快速完成。 容易操作 用TNC 640执行简单任务,如面铣或端面车,甚至无需编写程序。操作人员只需按下轴向键方便地手动操作机床,或用电子 手轮更灵敏地操作。脱机编程TNC 640也支持脱机编程。系统自带的以太网接口能确保快速完成数据传输,包括传输大程序。 应用广泛 TNC 640特别适用于在一台机床上进行铣 削、车削、高速加工和5轴加工,最大轴数 18轴。 TNC 640是以下应用的理想选择: 铣车复合加工机床 • 可由NC程序控制方便地实现铣削与车削 模式的切换 • 完整车削循环 • 恒线速度 • 刀尖半径补偿 万能铣床 • 用海德汉简易编程语言在车间编程 • 用海德汉触发式测头快速设置工件 • 电子手轮 高速铣削 • 程序段处理速度快 • 控制环周期时间短 • 平滑加加速(Jerk)的运动控制 • 主轴转速高 • 数据传输速度快 镗铣 • 钻、镗和主轴对正循环 • 钻斜孔 • 镗杆控制(平行轴) 用倾斜主轴头和回转工作台的五轴加工 • 倾斜加工面 • 圆柱面加工 • 刀具中心点管理(TCPM) • 3-D刀具补偿 • 程序段处理时间短,执行速度快 加工中心和自动加工 • 刀具管理 • 托盘管理 • 控制预设值 • 原点管理 • 用海德汉触发式测头自动测量工件 • 自动测量刀具并检查刀具破损 • 连接主机



[Product Description] X-PRO series is for milling carbon steel, low alloy steel and cast iron. It is optimized for roughing by applying a new shape cutting edge for reducing cutting force and improving wear resistance. [Product Specification] Flat end mill : D3 ~ D16 (2Flute, 4Flute) Roughing end mill : D3 ~ D16 (3Flute, 4Flute) [Product Model] Flat : 2XPE, 4XPE, 4XREV, 4XPEV Roughing : 3XOE, 4XOE [Product Use] * X pro series is suitable for Roughing by chip breaker and to cut HRC below 50. * Strong wear-resistance by adapting X-pro coating. * Special design of cutting edge minimizes fracturing. * Excellent work surface by deep ship pocket.



[Product Description] S-PRO series is mainly used for cutting difficult-to-cut materials such as stainless, titanium, nickel and hastelloy in the aerospace field. A deep chip evacuation space of the S-PRO helps to cut difficult-to-cut materials, which facilitates chip evacuation and provides excellent surface finish. [Product Specification] Flat end mill : D1 ~ D20 Ball end mill : D3 ~ D20 C/R end mill : D1 ~ D20 [Product Model] Flat : 4SUE, 4SUEA Ball : 4SUB C/R : 4SUR, 4SURA [Product Use] * The cutting edge type of S pro series is unequal flute and it is suitable for cutting difficult to cut materials like alloly steels, stainless steels, Titianium, Inconel etc. * 4SURA, 4SUEA are specialized to cut Inconel. * Strong wear-resistance by adapting S-pro coating.



[Product Description] S-PRO series is mainly used for cutting difficult-to-cut materials such as stainless, titanium, nickel and hastelloy in the aerospace field. A deep chip evacuation space of the S-PRO helps to cut difficult-to-cut materials, which facilitates chip evacuation and provides excellent surface finish. [Product Specification] Flat end mill : D1 ~ D20 Ball end mill : D3 ~ D20 C/R end mill : D1 ~ D20 [Product Model] Flat : 4SUE, 4SUEA Ball : 4SUB C/R : 4SUR, 4SURA [Product Use] * The cutting edge type of S pro series is unequal flute and it is suitable for cutting difficult to cut materials like alloly steels, stainless steels, Titianium, Inconel etc. * 4SURA, 4SUEA are specialized to cut Inconel. * Strong wear-resistance by adapting S-pro coating.






[Product Description] R-PRO series is specialized for cutting super-hardened & heat-treated steel (HRC 52 to HRC 72). It has excellent wear resistance and a shape design for increasing machinability. In addition, we have taper end mills that can be customized to customers. [Product Specification] Flat end mill : D0.1 ~ D12 + Various effective length / total length Ball end mill : D0.1 ~ D12 + Various effective length / total length C/R end mill : D1 ~ D12 + Various effective length / total length Taper end mill : D1 ~ D12 + Various effective length / total length [Product Model] Flat : 2RRE, 4RRE, 4RPE, 4RLE Ball : 2RRB, 2RSB, 2RPB, 3RSB C/R : 4RRR, 4RCR, 6RCR Taper: 2RTB, 3RTB, 2RTR, 4RTR [Product Use] * R pro series is suitable for Super hardened steels (HRC 52~70) and pre-hardened steel * Strong wear-resistance and minimizing chipping by adapting R-pro coating.(Si based PVD coating) * Excellent surface roughness of work pieces due to optimized cutting edge design



[Product Description] R-PRO series is specialized for cutting super-hardened & heat-treated steel (HRC 52 to HRC 72). It has excellent wear resistance and a shape design for increasing machinability. In addition, we have taper end mills that can be customized to customers. [Product Specification] Flat end mill : D0.1 ~ D12 + Various effective length / total length Ball end mill : D0.1 ~ D12 + Various effective length / total length C/R end mill : D1 ~ D12 + Various effective length / total length Taper end mill : D1 ~ D12 + Various effective length / total length [Product Model] Flat : 2RRE, 4RRE, 4RPE, 4RLE Ball : 2RRB, 2RSB, 2RPB, 3RSB C/R : 4RRR, 4RCR, 6RCR Taper: 2RTB, 3RTB, 2RTR, 4RTR [Product Use] * R pro series is suitable for Super hardened steels (HRC 52~70) and pre-hardened steel * Strong wear-resistance and minimizing chipping by adapting R-pro coating.(Si based PVD coating) * Excellent surface roughness of work pieces due to optimized cutting edge design



[Product Description] H-PRO series can be used in a wide range from general steel to high-hardness steel, and it is designed for high-hardness and high-speed milling. It is suitable for cutting carbon steel, alloy steel series, molds and mold parts, and is useful for ultra-precision machining by applying high-precision tolerances. [Product Specification] Flat end mill : D0.05 ~ D25 + Various effective length / total length Ball end mill : D0.1 ~ D20 + (same as above) C/R end mill : D0.2 ~ D20 + (same as above) Inner C/R end mill : D0.5 ~ D5.9 + (same as above) High speed milling end mill : D0.8 ~ D12 + (same as above) [Product Model] Flat : 2HRE, 2HPE, 2HLE, 4HRE, 4HPE, 4HLE, 4HHE, 6HPE Ball : 2HRB, 2HSB, 2HPB, 3HPB, 4HPB, C/R : 2HRR, 2HCR, 4HRR, 4HCR, 4HIT Inner C/R : 2IRC, 4IRC [Product Use] H pro series is suitable for High hardened steels (HRC 45~55) and pre-hardened steel. Strong wear-resistance and minimizing chipping by adapting H-pro coating.



[Product Description] H-PRO series can be used in a wide range from general steel to high-hardness steel, and it is designed for high-hardness and high-speed milling. It is suitable for cutting carbon steel, alloy steel series, molds and mold parts, and is useful for ultra-precision machining by applying high-precision tolerances. [Product Specification] Flat end mill : D0.05 ~ D25 + Various effective length / total length Ball end mill : D0.1 ~ D20 + (same as above) C/R end mill : D0.2 ~ D20 + (same as above) Inner C/R end mill : D0.5 ~ D5.9 + (same as above) High speed milling end mill : D0.8 ~ D12 + (same as above) [Product Model] Flat : 2HRE, 2HPE, 2HLE, 4HRE, 4HPE, 4HLE, 4HHE, 6HPE Ball : 2HRB, 2HSB, 2HPB, 3HPB, 4HPB, C/R : 2HRR, 2HCR, 4HRR, 4HCR, 4HIT Inner C/R : 2IRC, 4IRC [Product Use] H pro series is suitable for High hardened steels (HRC 45~55) and pre-hardened steel. Strong wear-resistance and minimizing chipping by adapting H-pro coating.



[Product Description] H-PRO series can be used in a wide range from general steel to high-hardness steel, and it is designed for high-hardness and high-speed milling. It is suitable for cutting carbon steel, alloy steel series, molds and mold parts, and is useful for ultra-precision machining by applying high-precision tolerances. [Product Specification] Flat end mill : D0.05 ~ D25 + Various effective length / total length Ball end mill : D0.1 ~ D20 + (same as above) C/R end mill : D0.2 ~ D20 + (same as above) Inner C/R end mill : D0.5 ~ D5.9 + (same as above) High speed milling end mill : D0.8 ~ D12 + (same as above) [Product Model] Flat : 2HRE, 2HPE, 2HLE, 4HRE, 4HPE, 4HLE, 4HHE, 6HPE Ball : 2HRB, 2HSB, 2HPB, 3HPB, 4HPB, C/R : 2HRR, 2HCR, 4HRR, 4HCR, 4HIT Inner C/R : 2IRC, 4IRC [Product Use] H pro series is suitable for High hardened steels (HRC 45~55) and pre-hardened steel. Strong wear-resistance and minimizing chipping by adapting H-pro coating.



[Product Description] D-PRO Series is used to cut copper, graphite, and ceramic parts, and is used for general face milling, profile & plunge milling. It is a diamond-coated End mill that is reinforced the wear resistance and enhanced the tool life. [Product Specification] Flat end mill : D0.5 ~ D12 + Various effective length / total length Ball end mill : D0.2 ~ D12 + Various effective length / total length C/R end mill : D2 ~ D12 + Various effective length / total length [Product Model] Flat : 2DRE, 2DPE, 4DPE Ball : 2DRB, 2DPB C/R : 2DRR, 4DRR [Product Use] * D pro series is pure diamond coated Endmill for cutting Graphite, Reinforced plastics, nonferrous metal etc. * Maximized thickness of coating for improvement of wear-resistance * Wide range of effective length and overall length for various work shape.



[Product Description] D-PRO Series is used to cut copper, graphite, and ceramic parts, and is used for general face milling, profile & plunge milling. It is a diamond-coated End mill that is reinforced the wear resistance and enhanced the tool life. [Product Specification] Flat end mill : D0.5 ~ D12 + Various effective length / total length Ball end mill : D0.2 ~ D12 + Various effective length / total length C/R end mill : D2 ~ D12 + Various effective length / total length [Product Model] Flat : 2DRE, 2DPE, 4DPE Ball : 2DRB, 2DPB C/R : 2DRR, 4DRR [Product Use] * D pro series is pure diamond coated Endmill for cutting Graphite, Reinforced plastics, nonferrous metal etc. * Maximized thickness of coating for improvement of wear-resistance * Wide range of effective length and overall length for various work shape.



[Product Description] A-PRO series is available for cutting general-purpose and variety of workpiece materials such as pre-hardened steel, alloy steel, carbon steel, heat-resistant alloy steel, and reinforced plastic (below HRC 50). It is also suitable for using in shrink fit chucks due to its shape design to prevent the breakage of cutting edge. [Product Specification] Flat end mill : D0.4 ~ D20 + Various effective length / total length Ball end mill : D0.4 ~ D20 + Various effective length / total length C/R end mill : D1 ~ D12 + Various effective length / total length [Product Model] Flat : 2ARE, 2APE, 2AEL, 4APE, 4AEL, 4APL Ball : 2ARB, 2ASB, 2APB C/R : 2ARR, 2ACR, 2ALR, 4ARR, 4ACR, 4ALR [Product Use] * Suitable for various work materials (HRC below 45), pre-hardened steel, steel, carbon steel, mold steel * Strong wear-resistance and minimizing chipping by adapting A-pro coating * Excellent surface roughness of work pieces due to optimized cutting edge



[Product Description] AL-PRO series end mill is optimized to cut Aluminium(AL60, AL 70 line). Various cutting length & total length, customized machining is possible. [Product Specification] Flat end mill : D0.5 ~ D25 (1Flute, 2Flute, 2Flute) [Product Model] Flat : 1ALE, 2ALE, 3ALE [Product Use] * End mills for Aluminum, Alloy, non-ferrous and non-metallic materials



[Product Description] A-PRO series is available for cutting general-purpose and variety of workpiece materials such as pre-hardened steel, alloy steel, carbon steel, heat-resistant alloy steel, and reinforced plastic (below HRC 50). It is also suitable for using in shrink fit chucks due to its shape design to prevent the breakage of cutting edge. [Product Specification] Flat end mill : D0.4 ~ D20 + Various effective length / total length Ball end mill : D0.4 ~ D20 + Various effective length / total length C/R end mill : D1 ~ D12 + Various effective length / total length [Product Model] Flat : 2ARE, 2APE, 2AEL, 4APE, 4AEL, 4APL Ball : 2ARB, 2ASB, 2APB C/R : 2ARR, 2ACR, 2ALR, 4ARR, 4ACR, 4ALR [Product Use] * Suitable for various work materials (HRC below 45), pre-hardened steel, steel, carbon steel, mold steel * Strong wear-resistance and minimizing chipping by adapting A-pro coating * Excellent surface roughness of work pieces due to optimized cutting edge



·铜、石墨及非金属材料加工 ·耐磨性及润滑性最大化的特殊涂层



·铜、石墨及非金属材料加工 ·耐磨性及润滑性最大化的特殊涂层
