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Belarusian investment forum kicks off in Minsk

Belarusian investment forum kicks off in Minsk

活动参与 ・ 2017年9月28日 更多内容 Open In New icon

The number of registered participants reaches 500 people.The event has gathered representatives of international and foreign financial institutes, private foreign investors, representatives of government bodies, national business and the expert community. Experts will discuss the strategies of attracting foreign investment in Belarus, the investment, technological and personnel potential of the country, government measures to support business and investment activities. During panel sessions experts are expected to share information about possibilities and peculiarities of investment cooperation in information technologies, green economy and power engineering, manufacturing sector. Prospects of implementing important social projects within the framework of public private partnership will be discussed as well as advantages and preferences of working in the China-Belarus industrial park Gr.Stone. The establishment of an effective financial market in Belarus and the market's integration



活动参与 ・ 2017年9月11日 更多内容 Open In New icon

We would like to invite You to take part in the 17th International Specialized Exhibition «Lesdrevtekh-2017» which will be Pobediteley Ave.20/2, Minsk, Republic of Belarus. Machines, equipment and techologies for forestry keeping and lumbering. Technologies and equipment for waste wood processing. Woodworking products, equipment and tools.

New way in Belarus for business partnership!

New way in Belarus for business partnership!

最新成就 ・ 2017年8月15日 更多内容 Open In New icon

Is your company looking for partners in Belarus? Do you want to open a new sales market for yourself? Or do you want to find out about your company in other countries? Promo-Export will help you! Leave an application on our website and we will contact you!

Belarus is open to cooperation with Europe

Belarus is open to cooperation with Europe

最新成就 ・ 2017年8月9日 更多内容 Open In New icon

Belarusian enterprises are ready to enter the production chain of high-quality European product and actively practicing outsourcing production. We have created a platform Promo-Export that will collect and transmit customer orders directly to the Belarusian producers. Details can be found on our website or send a request by email

CONGRATULATIONS !!!The first enterprise in Promo-Export

CONGRATULATIONS !!!The first enterprise in Promo-Export

新客户 ・ 2017年7月30日 更多内容 Open In New icon

The Promo-Export project is glad to iform that the first enterprise of CJSC "Cascade" has been applied to the map of our business network. CONGRATULATIONS !!! The project visited “Cascade” and our impressions are so vast that we cannot justify them in not very long material . This is a modern enterprise with a full production cycle and it is equipped with modern European high-tech equipment. The company works in the area of artistic -architectural lighting and artistic casting. We are waiting when the enterprise presents its products on the Project pages, and now we want to invite you to get acquainted:

Attention! Do you have a business project? Then this way!

Attention! Do you have a business project? Then this way!

活动参与 ・ 2017年7月23日 更多内容 Open In New icon

The Promo-Export project is ready to express your interest in the market of the Republic of Belarus. If the scope of your activity is related to metal- and woodworking, if you are interested in the purchase of raw materials, the product, the manufacture of components and so on. You can use our feedback form.

50 years of the special regime. That's why the terms "Great

50 years of the special regime. That's why the terms "Great

最新成就 ・ 2017年7月1日 更多内容 Open In New icon

At the end of may entered into force a decree that improve the mode of benefits of the Chinese-Belarusian industrial Park "Great stone".The benefits of the regime can be divided into the following groups:1. Service on the principle of "one station". Complex services on the principle of "one station" means all administrative procedures at the request of residents of the industrial Park will be delivered directly at the location of the Park administration.2. Tax benefits.3. Customs privileges. According to the Decree № 166 of the one Park resident may transfer the goods to another resident without completion of the customs procedure of free customs zone.4. Labor and migration. Preferential treatment of the Park requires an exemption from payment of state duty for issuance of permits for attracting foreign labor force, special permits for employment purposes, registration for the period of temporary stay.5. Currency regulation.For more information please contact our company...

Welcome To Belarus:Belarus introduces five-day visa-free reg

Welcome To Belarus:Belarus introduces five-day visa-free reg

最新成就 ・ 2017年6月21日 更多内容 Open In New icon

Foreign citizens of 80 countries can entry Belarus for up to 5 days and exit from the territory of Belarus only through the State border checkpoint the “Minsk National Airport”.The given order of visa-free movement through the airport does not extend to persons coming to Belarus by plane from the Russian Federation(RF), as well as to those who intend to fly to the airports of the RF (such flights are considered as internal ones and do not have border control).The Decree also does not apply to foreigners paying official visits. Diplomatic, official, special and other passports equal to them are not covered by the above Decree.To enter the Belarus in the visa-free regime via the checkpoint “Minsk National Airport”, foreign nationals must have the following documents:- a valid passport or another substituting document for traveling abroad;- financial means: at least 25 EUR (or equal amount in USD or BYN) for each day of stay;- medical insurance with coverage for at least 10,000 EUR.

SERV-experten op TAIEX-workshop clustering in Minsk

SERV-experten op TAIEX-workshop clustering in Minsk

活动参与 ・ 2017年6月25日 更多内容 Open In New icon

Experts TAIEX brought to Minsk secrets of the success of the cluster economic policy of Europe. One of the experts Tim Buyse shared his opinion about the past event...

Very SOON!In Minsk!

Very SOON!In Minsk!

最新成就 ・ 2017年7月8日 更多内容 Open In New icon

Do you plan to visit "TAIEX Workshop on Creation and Development of Clusters"?20-21 June 2017

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